Monday, December 19, 2011

Message body

I have reveived some amazing thoughts, ideas and implementations from many of you. Please keep sharing your thoughts and implementation ideas, then after the first of the year let's see if we can move forward. One of the most important challenges we can address is the reestablishment of opportunity and hope.
  • My friend Lakota John Baca shares that agriculture, education, and housing are at the top of his list.
  • My son Scott tells us that he is working with boys and girls in Las Vegas through a athletic league that rekindles self worth, desire to achieve, and dedication to life's purposes.
  • My brother Glenn tells us that he has applied the admonition atributed to Mother Teresa regarding problem solving; namely, when asked how to feed the masses, she replied, feed one; when asked how to house the masses, she replied, house one.
  • Frank, my good friend and implementer, created Resource and Reentry in Southern Utah out of whole cloth and lots of arm twisting and helps many up, out and forward to more positive life expectancy,
  • Richard Terry says we need to create businesses and jobs in manufacturing such as extruded plastics
  • Lloyd Pendleton keeps thinking about the buildings we looked at in Southern Utah that are going begging for someone to create businesses, housing, jobs, and productive lives. He also has his eyes on stuff up here along the Wasatch Front, but I always like to keep poking at him about the rest of the state.
  • Scott Fisher notes that networking is key to success. Many are willing to share what they have if they are informed about avenues for success.
  • Ballard White has worked for years with Jorge Gatica on the development of high tech insulation that can completely revolutionarize the building and manufacturing arenas.
  • Albert Montoya works very hard to recreate the essence of Republics. He has many ideas and characteristics worthy of emulation
  • Ted Day opened and ran a bar in Payson, Arizona for many years with one of his primary objectives as helping individuals with addiction troubles have a step up and out. One day, Ted, I want you to share more about Tony Hill and how we can use parts of your activities
  • Arturo De Hoyos is compiling a book of thoughts and has encouraged thousands through Universidad Hispana, Cumorah Academies, and personal interventions that run long and deep. He has two friends named Duane and he gets us confused, but he can't escape from me because we need his help.
Well, is a good start. Don't sit on your ideas or your backsides any longer.
God Bless you as you put your efforts to work.
Duane Jacobs

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