Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I am glad you are still into this.  It is a noble idea whose time has come.  Red brick covered with clinging ivy do not make education happen.  Students do. Professors are more like the parts house and the students are like the customers thereof.
----- Original Message -----
From: Duane Jacobs
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 9:38 PM
Subject: just for starters

for purusal. now, lets kick it.
D. Duane Jacobs, Ed.D Professor, Business and Computer Science,President, Curmudgeons of America, and staunch believer in mankind’s goodness and ever-enduring will of to be free
NOTE: This and other writings associated with Nextep University will be posted on the Nextep Living blog. You are all welcome and encouraged to share thoughts, about how you want to participate. Each of you have tremendous volumes of knowledge which, when shared can bless the lives of others. I am very pleased to note that Charles Lewis is joining Nextep University as an intern content director. dj
Nextep University will be a collector and disseminator of information, philosophy, and concepts. This knowledge is shared through the timeless concept spawned by Plato in which he noted that true learning came from a teacher on one end of a log and a student on the other. We now have that “log” in the form of the internet. My brother Glenn Jacobs and my sister Lynda Fetzer shared this concept of learning with me over the years as we made noble attempts to create an educational forum which could realistically become part of the learning process for others.
 Nextep University will be a non-regulated, non-associated, non-accredited, non-entity. It will not collect monies, or confer degrees. All who participate will do so under contract law, making their specific contributions according to a broad set of guidelines. Nextep University will address all specific publics, ethnicities, religions, cultures, causes, and more. It will be a conduit for sharing ideas which others find valuable. Should no one fine anything valuable- they simply go away. We keep asking questions, prodding, the unknown, and attempting to get answers for ourselves. On the other hand, should others wish to find common ground, answers, and results, get on board and let’s fly.
No doubt there will be those who laugh this to scorn. That is fine with me. I am not interested in fortune or fame. Many twenty five, or so, years ago I was blessed to be part of a wild-eyed start-up, that if allowed to blossom would have been the first broad-based information conduit. This group was named Biznet, or Bizcom. One such name was already taken by the Chamber of Commerce, so we used the other. We had no ancient technology and no money. Paul Tanner, a fine gentleman and some others, whose names have gone from my memory were genuine pioneers. Their primary thought was to create a business forum, or bulletin board which could be accessed through what we referred to as a series of nodes and modules around the country, identified by zip code. If this sounds primitive, well it was, but that was all we had. Timing was off, the money we generated from other fine individuals was to be used to cover the cost of computers for each node. Since we were still working in the megabyte range, very little could be stored on any given computer, so transmission was difficult, slow, and miniscule
The following broad categories comprise the basic framework of initial colleges:
1.       Literature
2.       Religion
3.       Health and welfare of the human body
4.       Health and welfare of the human spirit
5.       Housing
6.       Healthy food
7.       The Constitutional Republic for which we stand
8.       Immigration, caste systems, and human value
9.       History of the United states, our allies, and enemies
10.   Reformation of the penal/correctional/court systems
11.   Reformation of the congressional misuses of power
12.   United States Manufacturing, energy, appropriate use of natural resources
13.   Regeneration of the entrepreneurial  spirit
14.   Anything else someone may find interesting and worth exploring
Those negative factors have all but been eliminated, so on the charge. We will create a new Nextep University web site in the near future. For now, we will use the antique Nextep Living web site. Those of you with on-going web sites such as Resource and Re-entry, Universidad Hispana, etc. are welcome and encouraged to join this effort. We think it will be a powerful communication vehicle for sharing common ideas, building bridges, and creating exciting forward progress. . My memory recalls the names, Waters, Mull, Gene, and of course Paul and John Tanner. Should they be around, we would be honored to have them share in this experience with us.

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