Monday, December 19, 2011


I really like the writing below, but it came like a crazy quilt. Help me get a better picture of what and who you are responding to. I presume the response is the the statement in little bitty words at the bottom. that makes sense, I think. Who is McNast? What is this frame in time part of?

From: Glenn <>To: Duane Jacobs <> Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 8:30 PMSubject: The Jewish blood-guilt


You're welcome.

No, it not correct to make any of those assumptions (below). That is like assuming that if you mix milk and water, you can always un-mix it later.

Those who made Jesus King wanted Jesus to be their political king. They did not know He was their God.

Pilate knew what he was asking when he asked if Jesus were King of the Jews. Political king.

An unknown number who wanted Jesus killed were not even "frum" (observant) Jews. The Saducees, for example, did not believe in spirits nor angels nor the resurrection. ("That is why they were So Sad, You See.")

Jews of today are descended from Jews of that time, and from Russians of the Middle Ages, and from proselytes of all ages.

I, myself, am descended from untold thousands of Jews, and yet I am a Christian.

No doubt you are, too.

At the Mount of Transfiguration, Jesus spoke with Moses and Elijah "about the demise which he should accomplish at Jerusalem." This is a rare turn of speech: "the demise which he should accomplish". Jesus went to Jerusalem specifically to get HImself crucified to pay for our sins. This was scheduled from the foundation of the world.

Surprise! They held a parade for Him and made Him King.

He went to the Temple and savagely beat about a platoon of important Jewish businessmen.

Surprise! They didn't arrest Him. Instead, they sent out a delegation which meekly asked Him by what authority He did this thing.

The Bible doesn't say this, but the Sanhedrin invited Him to come in for an interview. (The Sanhedrin used to interview all prospective Messiahs.)

Surprise! He didn't show. The insult got to them. They sent a bunch of very polite guys with torches, swords and sticks to bring Him in.

Surprise! He didn't give them nice, courteous answers.

They weren't allowed to give Him what they considered that he deserved, so they took Him to Pilate first thing in the morning.

Surprise! Pilate rather enjoyed interviewing a King.

Surprise! Pilate sent Jesus to Herod.

Surprise! Herod couldn't find his face with both hands. Herod sent Him back.

Pilate gave a discourse on Roman Law, and was about to release Jesus.

BIG SURPRISE! It isn't in the Bible, but I believe at this point, when Pilate took Jesus back into his private office, Jesus outright TOLD Pilate that it was time for the Supreme Sacrifice that would free all men from sin.

The Sanhedrin boys thought they had engineered the death of Christ, but He had done it himself, on purpose, to fulfil His reason for coming to earth.

ANYHOWSUMEVER, the hundred or so Jews who were complicit in this operation have all died, and are dead, and have remained dead. They thought they could pass on the guilt to their children, but they could not.

The doctrine that "The Jews killed Christ" is false. The doctrine that Jews of all generations carry that guilt is false.

(Of course, there are any number of false Jews who carry on immoral and illegal and unlawful operations.)

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