Friday, January 13, 2012

January 12, 2012
Nextep University Question of the day: How do we determine the veracity of the very divergent, competing schools/sources of health improvement?
I get medical advice from several sources. They all have a part in the great experiment on how our bodies are maintained, how well we live, and frankly, how long we live; whether chiropractic, oriental, herbal, pharmaceutical, standard medical practioners (pulmonary, neurosurgeon, family practice, cardiology), etc
Many of us are getting older. Certain unalterable facts come with age. Our bodies begin to wear out. We get fatter, have less muscle, contract deadly diseases and ailments, and generally begin the process of completing our mortal existence. Most of us would like to maintain good mental acuity, the ability to participate in physical work and leisure activities, and generally enjoy the “good” life.
Let’s put one of these health improvement sources to the test.  Remember! We are all learning from each other so your contributions to this discussion/experiment are critical to its success.
Last night, Jean and Duane went to a friend’s home and listened to a presentation dealing with a specific nutritional supplement. This group was represented by a delightful lady, Karen Turner. She shared some compelling case histories with confirmed increases in energy levels, re-growth of damaged tissue, improved sleep, improved bodily function, and better general health. The company is Reliv and her email address is
Here is a scenario to start with. You all have your own, but since I am sharing, I will be the guinea pig and start this out.
o   Is on oxygen, CPAP, warfarin, venaflaxin (crazy pill), Bio 35, b-complex, vitamins, green smoothies, and a saw palmetto compound.
o   Has had heart attacks, stints, repaired hole in the heart, DVT, Pulmonary embolisms, neck fusions, and other manadies
o   Has a very difficult time getting enough air/oxygen saying he feels like the fellow in the ad with the elephant sitting on his chest, or the proverbial fish out of water.
o   Has been to, tried, or researched all of the listed potential remediation listed above
o   Even signed up for HSI, Jennie Thompson, a “research” team that claims to be a clearing house for various herbal, nutritional, and other potentially beneficial marketed products. He has not been happy with their research, or their results. (They will get a copy of this.)
As you know, I can be very challenging and ask very difficult questions. I told her that, in my opinion, most of the practices noted above were of little worth unless, the process included synergistic  design. I asked her how we could compare reliv’s products with other products purporting to provide similar health improvement benefits. I told her of an experience a member of my family had recently with a very difficult medical problem and how their family had received a “cupboard” full of similar products from well wishing friends and loved ones. I told her about my excursion into cyberspace with Nextep University and challenged her to let me float her products, her company, and her praise for reliv by sharing everything I knew about reliv and Karen and asking for your suggestions, thoughts, experiences, etc.
I would personally be most appreciative of your comments on this question of the day. As always, I will post this to, under Nextep Living, LLC
Make it a most incredible day. My great mentor, George Durrant, always responds to the question of how he is doing by saying that “this is my best day ever.” He really means it.
Duane Jacobs, just stirring things up.

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